One Thriving Planet exists to support exponential jumps in scale, with velocity, of solutions that support a sustainable & regenerative, equitable & just, thriving planet for all. Current Projects include Future Africa, Expedition Futures and a plaform to make indigenous wisdom accessible globally.
With Esteban Jacques and C3 Consensus beaming co-developed and led Fundacion Femsa Mexico and its team through a strategic planning exercise in 2022 that created the conditions for their adoption of a community first focus leading to a new financial structure.
Through a partnership with Heartland P5, the Foundation For Regeneration, Good Oak, Lincoln University, Evergreen Ranch we are set to transform Powell Gardens, a 1000 acre botanical garden into a regenerative food, agriculture demonstration and learning place for urban and rural farmers and the 140,000 visitors that pass thru every year.
“Future architecture" was coined by Sharon Chang in 2015 to describe an emergent field of future-inspired systems evolution. The Guild of Future Architects is a living practice of relational transformation, further defined as the pursuit of societal transformation connected to personal transformation. Board Member and Member and part of the regenerative leadership team.
CultureBank sees the artist as a key early stage investor who can help prepare a community for more substantial investment by working collaboratively with local residents and stakeholders to identify and develop assets that matter to the people who live in those neighborhoods.
Maverick in Residence focused on Innovation & Design investing in World Building with local leaders in Kansas City, Innovators in Residence Program and piloting StudioLab with Ade Mabogunje, Neeraj Sonalkar and Jeremy Bailenson from Stanford University.
The ‘Search for Me in the Age of We” articulates how our instantaneous always on connection to each other, when grounded in integrity, unlocks our empathic nature, allows us to regain our humanity as individuals, supported by interdependent, cooperative structures and systems grounded in our local communities and bioregions.
Graphic Image by Mark Beam and Santiago Should.
Drawing in pen by Mark Beam.
Map of Reality. Guillermo Roel & Mark Beam. 2005. Remaining shards of glass from a map of reality shattered onto the floor.