Partners, Collaborators & Friends
beaming leadership includes Mark Beam and two close colleagues who bring extraordinary capacity and complementary experience - Esteban Jacques and Penelope Douglas. We also work closely with Bob Berkebile and Ade Mabogunje on various projects and with other great partners you’ll see below.
Some of our current project partners include Heartland P5, Culture Bank, the Guild of Future Architects, Yoxi, C3 Consensus, Experimental Design, Evergreen Ranch, Good Oak, One Thriving Planet and the Lexicon of Sustainability Ecological Benefits Framework & Commons.
We also work with great university partners including the Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts, Stanford and Maveric Studio at the University of California San Diego (UCSD).
See the partners, collaborators and friends we have worked with below.
Mathematician, AI Machine Learning guru. Co-Founder C3 Consensus, developing innovative technological tools to meet the most demanding social environments, creating sustainable projects through social responsibility in over 100 community projects, Partner with Mark in C3 Kansas City.
Co-Founder BNIM Arthiects Retired. Pioneered development of the LEED Standard for the build environment. Heinz Award from Theresa Heinz and the Heinz Family Foundation for his role in promoting green building design. Partner with Mark in Heartland P5 Holdings.
Co-Founder Culture Bank. Artist in Residence at the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank. Pioneer founder of one of the first impact investment funds - Pacific Community Ventures. Regenerative Leadership Team with Mark at the Guild of Future Architects.
Stanford Univeristy Engineer/Designer and innovation ecosystem builder in the United States, India and Nigeria. Innovator in Residence with Mark at Kauffman Foundation. With Neeraj Sonalkar developed and entrepreneurship simulator in VR.
Tony Patrick is a worldbuilder, social practice artist, comics creator, and immersive director. Co-led Kansas City World Build with 12 leaders in 2018. Patrick is a Sundance Institute World-building Fellow, NYU ITP & IMA Professor, NYU Future Imagination Collaboratory Fellow, NYU Red Burns Fellow, Co-inventor Futurist Writers Room with the Guild of Future Architect.
Lawrence Ellis
Complex-systems consultant, executive coach, and spiritual activist informed by the wisdom traditions and communities of his Indigenous and Buddhist heritages. His consulting engagements have helped produce 25 landmark national anti-pollution demonstration projects.. Founded One Thriving Planet where Mark is a partner to dramatically accelerate equitable and just solutioning on the climate crisis.